Since designing my bag collection, I’m rarely without a NIXEY by my side! It’s important that I road-test the designs & experiment with styling them.
I have always loved to wear things that are versatile & offer multiple ways of wearing (that’s probably why I developed a multi-way bag!). I’ve regularly worn dresses/jumpers/ tops the wrong way round because I fancy a change of neckline or a different fit (I know, it sounds strange but I stand by it - honestly, give it a go, it’s a game changer). I hate to have things that sit unworn at the back of the wardrobe & I enjoy playing around with styling items up & down to get the most from them.
Starting my own business has meant that I no longer go into an office requiring a daily ‘workwear’ wardrobe. However, being a mum to a toddler has brought with it a whole host of other ‘uniform’ requirements. In the first couple of years of mumhood I rarely deviated from t-shirts & denim (often with a NIXEY as a beltbag — the hands-free feature has been a life-saver on a number of parenting occasions!).
Practical.but unimaginative parenting attire!
This year however, I realised I really missed being more adventurous with my everyday style. When life gets a little manic, it’s the quickest & simplest option to throw on something plain & easy-wearing. The trouble is, I found that doing this ate away at my identity a bit. Many of the clothes that I take most enjoyment from wearing have sat there patiently, waiting for ‘best’ but I don’t seem to have quite as many best occasions any more. So my new approach has been to wear that vintage silk skirt on a walk to the park on a rainy Thursday & dress it down with an oversized jumper & combat boots. Of course it gets dirty from the daily antics with a toddler but I’ve decided I’d much rather get the wear out of it, then stick it on a delicate spin & hope for the best!
I’ve started sharing my styling over on Instagram Stories. I’ve still always got a NIXEY with me so if you’re considering getting your own & want ideas on how you might wear it, or if you already have one & are seeking some extra inspiration then pop on over to our Instagram & give us a follow!
I ALWAYS love to see how you guys are styling your NIXEY too, so please do share your photos with @Nixey_Ltd.